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Let’s do this mom thing together.

I’m here to support, cheer, and commiserate in this journey called motherhood.

I’m Catie & I help moms along their motherhood journey.

Motherhood is hard. You shouldn’t have to go it alone.

I want to help you with feeling confident in your journey as a mother. Trust me, none of us have it all figured out. There’s always a curveball being thrown and we’re just doing the best we can with what we have.

How do you figure out what is right?

Well, I believe that there’s ultimately no “right” answer. There’s just a solution that works for you.

Hey Mama Friend is here to be your support. To offer a range of solutions, or sometimes a link to get more information, to your burning questions about motherhood and parenting.

I can tell you right now, I don’t have all the answers. I’m figuring this parenting thing out as I go.

Every mom’s motherhood journey is going to look different. That’s why it’s imperative to never compare where you are with a friend, or worse yet, a stranger on the internet.

Are you are struggling to change this thing and improve this situation?


The Abundant Life Plan


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News, walkthroughs & tutorials
Simple and Easy Maternity Capsule Wardrobe Ideas

Simple and Easy Maternity Capsule Wardrobe Ideas

When your shirts stop fitting over your growing bump and you can't fasten your jeans anymore, it's time to think about maternity clothes. Here are some maternity capsule wardrobe ideas for new moms. I'm definitely not what you would call "gifted" in the fashion...

Simple and Easy Maternity Capsule Wardrobe Ideas

When your shirts stop fitting over your growing bump and you can't fasten your jeans anymore, it's time to think about maternity clothes. Here are some maternity capsule wardrobe ideas for new moms. I'm definitely not what you would call "gifted" in the fashion...

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The Best Free Advice for a First-Time Mom

The Best Free Advice for a First-Time Mom

Are you a first-time mom? There's this special bliss that comes with being a first-time mom. So much excitement and anticipation. So much to think about and wonder about. But here's the truth: your mama instincts kick in once your baby arrives. While advice usually...


Motherhood after Infertility: Everything You Need to Know

Motherhood after Infertility: Everything You Need to Know

Are you in the throws of motherhood after infertility? Have you gone through infertility and come out the other side as a mom? Whether it was through a successful pregnancy, surrogate, or adoption, becoming a parent after struggling with infertility can be a huge...


Stay-at-Home Mom: A Simple Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a SAHM

Do you want to be a stay-at-home mom? You do? Read on! Hey Mama Friend! I'll be honest. Becoming a stay-at-home mom was never really on my radar until I had my son. When I looked into the cost of daycare, I quickly realized that almost all the income from the job I...