How many of these mom bloggers do you know? I’m going to share some of my favorite mom/motherhood/parenting bloggers that really changed my life for the better.
And by the end of the post, you will discover that some of the most influential and awesome advice may come from sources that you least expect!
Ready? Let’s dive in!
8 Awesome Mom Bloggers to Follow

Mama Natural
When I was pregnant with my son, I didn’t know what to expect or what kind of parent I would become. There was a part of me who was interested in all things crunchy and natural.
That’s when I came across Genevieve of Mama Natural, when I was searching for more information about cloth diapering. I can hands down say that cloth diapering was one of those “mom goals” and I’m so glad that we decided to go for it.
After reading more posts on Mama Natural as well as watching videos from her YouTube channel, I was a fan. I purchased The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth, and enjoyed the natural perspective about getting ready for childbirth.
While I ultimately did not have a natural childbirth, and had a c-section due to my son being breech, I did learn about a gentle c-section which my hospital accommodated. A gentle c-section includes a clear drape so that when the baby is taken out, mom can see the baby.
Genevieve is such a great resource for all things natural as it relates to pregnancy, childbirth, and raising kids. I look forward to her weekly newsletter which includes various Mama Natural tips and product recommendations. If you’re a crunchy and natural mama, or want to be, I highly recommend her blog!
You can learn more about Genevieve here: Mama Natural.

Happy Toddler Playtime
Mandisa of Happy Toddler Playtime is #sensorybinmomgoals, but also #toddleractivitymomgoals. My mind is blown every time she shares a post on Instagram. If you’re ever trying to figure out what to do with your toddler, just check out her blog or IG. So many ideas for entertaining, playing with, and educating your toddler.
Seriously though, I also found her on Instagram, when a friend shared one of her posts. At the time, my son was still a little bit young for a full-blown sensory bin, but I followed her right away to make sure to keep up with her ideas.
There are so many amazing activities for babies through young kids on the Happy Toddler Playtime blog that I don’t think you’d run out of ideas. Again, I wish I could recreate a little of everything, but I also have to be realistic and pick and choose to start. Everything looks so fun!
You can learn more about Mandisa here Happy Toddler Playtime.

Here Wee Read
I discovered Here Wee Read and blogger Charnaie on Instagram. I just love her book recommendations and I’ll be honest, I’m pretty envious of her amazing library for her kids! That’s what you call #homelibrarygoals!
One of the things that I’ve been acutely aware of is making sure that my son has a diverse array of books in his library. As a biracial child, I didn’t want him to just have books about animals and white kids. Let’s face it, that’s what a lot of books are about. Plus, in today’s society and political climate, it’s more important than ever to teach our children about diversity, racism, anti-racism, and how to navigate the world we live in.
I was thrilled to find Here Wee Read and I save her book selections all the time. I think if I won the lottery, I’d spend a little chunk on building out my kids’ library as well as my own personal library. What can I say, I love books of all kinds!
You can learn more about Charnaie here Here Wee Read.

Busy Toddler
Susie of Busy Toddler is honestly, #toddlermomgoals. Like seriously. I remember when I stumbled upon her Instagram profile, and my mind was blown.
At the time, my son was still what Susie refers to as a “tabby”, that in between stage of baby and toddler. He was just over a year old and learning to walk. But I knew that this was a profile I had to follow for keeping him busy once he started to show some interest in activities.
My son is two now and I know we haven’t even scraped the surface of activities. There is so much amazing content on the Busy Toddler blog that you should never run out of ideas to keep your little one busy.
As someone who looks at Busy Toddler aspirationally (not necessarily in practice), I know that I’ll have to pick and choose a handful and start slowly. But honestly, if I had the will, I would try to do a little of everything.
Susie is releasing her book Playing Preschool which includes 38 weeks of hands-on learning homeschool preschool curriculum. I know that I will be ordering that!
You can learn more about Susie here Busy Toddler.

Montessori from the Heart
If I’m being totally honest, if I could, I would channel a fraction of the activities that Anya of Montessori from the Heart has posted. But I also know myself well enough to know that I would maybe start one project, maybe two, and then lose steam.
However, Montessori from the Heart is not short on Montessori ideas or activities. You could spend a whole afternoon scouring her site for Montessori activities.
Montessori from the Heart also has a membership program for homeschool curriculum and hands-on learning play. That sounds perfect if you want to be a homeschooling parent with a Montessori background but aren’t ready to send your child to school.
I’ve bookmarked this site to keep coming back to it for Montessori inspired ideas. Honestly, I wish I could be a hardcore Montessori philosophy type parent, but I’m not and I won’t be. I know I’ll pick and choose what works for us, but I don’t have the discipline to be 100% Montessori.
You can learn more about Anya here Montessori from the Heart.

The Mama Notes
I’m not sure what the “typical” way of finding mom bloggers is, but in my motherhood journey, Instagram has been a great resource for finding moms who are so helpful. Caitlin from The Mama Notes is one of those moms.
She’s a mom to three girls and shares awesome toddler and kids activities. She also keeps it real and shares mom life stories. Her third daughter was born just a few months ago, and it’s been interesting to follow her journey as a third time mom.
When we got ready to potty train our son, I found her post on potty training and she also used the “Oh Crap Potty Training” book. I read that post and stayed a while for all the other awesome posts she shares. I also enjoy her motherhood interview series on her blog where she interviews moms of all walks of life.
You can learn more about Caitlin here: The Mama Notes.

Yummy Toddler Food
Amy of Yummy Toddler Food is #toddlermomfoodgoals. She shares recipes and ideas for toddler meals. And if you have the average toddler who suddenly gets an opinion about food once they hit toddler status, having a resource like Yummy Toddler Food is such a lifesaver.
Right now, one of my biggest challenges is helping my toddler eat his veggies. And I’ll admit, I’m not the biggest vegetable fan, so it’s been hard to model and expose him to vegetables when I don’t even want them! (Maybe I’ll have better luck with baby #2).
Yummy Toddler Food has so many ideas for toddler meals that are healthy and well rounded. I’ve made a couple of recipes and I love receiving Amy’s email newsletter. I was so glad she shared her favorite toddler lunch box containers as my son will be attending preschool soon and I have to send lunch with him!
You can learn more about Amy here: Yummy Toddler Food.

The Budget Mom
Another awesome mom blogger who was a total Instagram find is Kumiko of The Budget Mom. I don’t remember if a friend had reposted one of her giveaways or tagged me in a contest post, but I do remember after exploring her feed, I was intrigued and hooked.
Kumiko is a single mom who paid off all her debts, lives by a budget, and recently bought her home outright in cash. She is an Accredited Financial Counselor, a budgeting boss, and money queen, and I whenever she shares advice, I pay attention.
She also sells the Budget by Paycheck Planner to keep your budget and money in check (which I’m thinking about getting this year) and the Live Rich Planner to keep your life organized in a creative way. Both her blog and Instagram feed share a plethora of money and budgeting tips and she is 110% worth the follow!
You can learn more about Kumiko here: The Budget Mom.
As you can see from these great mom bloggers, there’s a mom blogger for every aspect of motherhood, from having a natural pregnancy to feeding toddlers, practicing Montessori at home, ensuring a diverse children’s book collection, and keeping a budget. I find these moms super inspirational as they share their passions to help other moms.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! If you found this post helpful, I’d love it if you shared it with a friend or leave a comment with your favorite mom blogger! I’m always looking for new voices to follow.